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Visiting Budapest Zoo

Two weeks ago Tibor (vlm) called me. He wanted to know if I was available the following weekend for a short trip to the Budapest Zoo. We got free tickets together with National Geographic DVDs. I had been to  the Zoo in February but I wanted to look around when my fingers do not freeze after two exposures.

Black birds
Budapest Zoo


First post


I am Daniel form Budapest, Hungary. I am 26 years old and I like photography and traveling as you may suspected it from the title of the blog. I take pictures since last August. I have lot of things to learn but I am thirtsty for the knowledge.
I decided to begin an English blog to reach people over the borders of Hungary and to practice English. I have a Hungarian blog already called "Fotózás és utazás" and I will write its twin.
If you are interested in amateur photography, in traveling then you might enjoy my posts. I have a series on my Hungarian blog. It is a little bit different subject... I am following a construction in Budapest. The title of this series is "Birth of a building". It is important to me because I am a civil engineer and this construction is my first one. I hope you will find it exciting.

I have plenty to do to design this blog so I will post again soon.